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众所周知,高温是集成电路的大敌。高温不但会导致系统运行不稳,使用寿命缩短,甚至有可能使某些部件烧毁。导致高温的热量不是来自计算机外,而是计算机内部。散热器的作用就是将这些热量吸收,保证计算机部件的温度正常。 散热器的种类非常多,CPU、显卡、主板芯片组、硬盘、机箱、电源甚至光驱和内存都会需要散热器,这些不同的散热器是不能混用的,而其中最常接触的就是CPU的散热器。细分散热方式,可以分为风冷,热管,水冷,半导体制冷,压缩机制冷等等。

It is well known that high temperatures are the enemy of integrated circuits. The high temperature will not only cause the system to run unsteadily, shorten its service life, and may even cause some parts to burn. The heat that causes high temperatures does not come from outside the computer, but from inside the computer. The role of the radiator is to absorb these heat to ensure that the temperature of the computer components is normal. There are many types of radiators. CPUs, graphics cards, motherboard chipsets, hard disks, chassis, power supplies, and even optical drives and memory all require radiators. These different radiators can not be mixed, and the most common ones are CPUs. radiator. Subdivision heat dissipation can be divided into air cooling, heat pipes, water cooling, semiconductor refrigeration, compressor refrigeration and so on.